About me Kyle
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Hey this is more about me. This is about how I look i have blondish brown hair, blue eyes,and i'm about 5'3.I race go'karts at a track in Horn Hill. My go'kart # is 88.My dad also races go'karts his # is 77 in memory of Jo Morgan because he use to own the #77 cars that raced at Kinston and my dad use to race for him.I like playing football, baseball, and basketball.I love the outdoors. Well that is about all for now.

This is thanking my sister for making my site.

Thank you big sis for making my site.I love you.

My Family

I live with my mom, Sandy, my dad Wendell, my sister Heather, and we have a rat terrier that we have had for 8 years now named Penny.

Links to Other Sites
Heather's Page